2016: Dr. Gary Michelson, M.D.

Dr. Michelson is a board certified orthopedic spinal surgeon. He is the sole named inventor of more than 950 patents issued worldwide. His inventions have made spinal surgery much safer, more effective and reliable, less invasive, have diminished surgical blood loss, shortened operating times, reduced anesthetic exposure, reduced surgical complications, have shortened hospital stays and recovery times, and have become the gold standard throughout the world.

In 2006 Dr. Michelson was recognized as the leading researcher in spine in the world by the Paralyzed Veterans of America. In 2011 with more than seven million U. S. patents issued Dr. Michelson became one of only 400 or so American inventors living or dead to be inducted into the National Inventors Hall of Fame. In 2014 Dr. Michelson became one of a handful of people who were then also inducted into the National Academy of Inventors. In 2011 Dr. Michelson was invited by the President of the United States Barack Obama to the White House for the signing of the America Invents Act. Dr. Michelson recently received the B’nai B’rith International Distinguished Achievement Award for his accomplishments and extensive philanthropic activities. In 2015 Dr. Michelson was awarded the Albert B. Sabin Humanitarian Award. He was an invited panelist at the 2015 Forbes Philanthropy Summit. Dr. Michelson founded, funded, funds, and directs three private foundations; an education foundation, an animal welfare foundation, and a medical research foundation. Recently Dr. Michelson and his wife Alya donated 50 million dollars to create a convergent bioscience medical research center to be located at USC. Dr. Michelson has funded two major reforestation projects resulting in the planting of more than seven million trees. Dr. Michelson actively serves on the boards of four charitable foundations including his Medical Research Foundation, the Twenty Million Minds Foundation, the Found Animals Foundation and the Intellectual Property Owners Education Foundation.
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The Archer School for Girls’ mission is to educate students in an environment specifically designed for girls. As such, the school will consider any candidate for admission who identifies as a girl. Once admitted to Archer, all students in good academic standing who abide by Archer’s code of conduct and who meet requirements for graduation will be eligible to receive an Archer diploma, regardless of any change in sexual identity or other legally protected status.