What new passion or interest did you discover while at Archer? At Archer, I discovered my passion for leadership. Whether that be as a club leader or student ambassador, I have found my love for leading others and showcasing this constantly developing part of my identity.
Why did you choose to become an Archer ambassador? As a quiet seventh grader, I hesitantly applied to be a tour guide for incoming students and families. While giving tours and speaking on prospective student panels, I discovered my passion for sharing the joys and benefits of an Archer experience with soon-to-be Archer students. Now in my senior year here, I am so grateful to have had this opportunity to represent such a wonderful school and will deeply miss being an Archer ambassador next year.
Which Archer tradition or activity do you look forward to each school year? Archer Halloween! From the haunted house in the basement to the booths and games, I always eagerly await attending Archer's Halloween celebration. Also, the tables of candy to "trick-or-treat" at are just added bonus to the festivities. It is such a culmination of joy, creativity and community, that is indescribable to those who have not experienced it.